13.5 tog duvet, for those cold nights

The 13.5 tog duvet is a significant improvement, in relation to heat retention, when compared to the likes of the 4.5 tog duvet which proves very popular in the summertime. A 13.5 tog duvet set will retain more heat within the duvet self and ultimately give you a much more comfortable nights sleep as we approach the harsh weather of winter time.

The beauty of the duvet cover market is the fact that you can change insert your higher and lower tog duvets depending upon the time of year, weather and humidity. So no more cold nights in the winter, no more sleepless nights as the cold weather approaches, simply wrap up warm and ensure you get your eight hours sleep a night. The quality of duvets on the market has improved and ultimately it depends upon what you need, what you can afford and what is available. Click on the link above for more details of 13.5 tog duvets and find something within your price range.

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