What are bedbugs?

BedbugsWhile the vast majority of us will have heard of the term bedbugs (or bed bugs) how many was actually know what they are, what they do and how we can get rid of them?

In simple terms the bedbug is a tiny insect which lives on the blood of humans and other warm blooded mammals. They are often found in mattresses, sofas and other furniture and because of their dislike of direct sunlight they are more likely than not to come out at night time. So what exactly do they do and what do they look like?

Contrary to popular belief, the common bedbug is actually visible to the naked eye as the adult can grow to between 4-5 mm in length. They are attracted by hot humid areas which makes mattresses and bedding a great attraction to the bedbug. The bedbug itself will insert two tubes into its prey, often a human sleeping, with one tube used to insert an anaesthetic into the prey and the other to collect the blood. Once the anaesthetic has worn off the recipient of the bite will often feel an urge to scratch the area and there may be a mild inflammation.

When born the common bedbug is translucent and almost impossible to see but as they grow older they become darker and more visible. While it has been known for bedbugs to remain in hibernation for up to 18 months, the more common variety will feed on human blood every 5 to 10 days.

Eliminating bedbugs

While bedbugs are attracted to heat they are not able to withstand steam and many people believe the use of simple steam cleaners, which will deep clean your mattress and your bedding, are the best way to eliminate bedbugs once and for all.