How to get rid of bed bugs

The question of how to get rid of bed bugs is one which has been asked by millions of people around the world in years gone by. The truth is that bedbugs are everywhere, in your clothing, in your bed, in your carpet, in your walls and in your cavities. Bedbugs travel freely between locations by simply attaching themselves to a person, animal, suitcase, clothing or other items and have indeed been known to find their way through cavity walls and into neighbouring houses. While there are issues with regards to bedbug bites, which can cause discomfort, the truth is that we live in an environment which is perfect for bedbugs the vast majority of our lives.

Killing bedbugs

In years gone by people have simply washed their bedding, infested clothing and other items at particularly high washes to kill the bedbugs and their eggs. However, thankfully there are now many different forms of bedbug spray available online which can literally kill the bedbugs and their eggs almost instantly. These items are available relatively cheaply for delivery direct to your home address and will give you peace of mind and a peaceful night sleep.

Bedbug bites

Bedbugs themselves feed on the blood of warm blooded animals and can on occasion cause skin rashes, psychological issues and allergic reactions. The diagnosis of a bedbugs bite is fairly simple and once the issue has been recognised it is fairly easy to eradicate them from your home. Prior to the 1940s there were enormous infestations of bedbugs throughout the UK and while the issue was brought under control up until to 1995, we have seen a significant rise in bedbug infestations over the last 15 years.

Reasons for bedbug infestations

There are obviously basic hygiene issues with regards to bedbugs and their appearances throughout the UK but many believe that an increase in foreign travel, and indeed domestic travel, has created an environment where bedbugs can literally hook on to your suitcases, clothing and other artefacts and effectively travel anywhere around the world. Bedbugs are not a new issue in the UK and around the world and have literally been living with us for thousands of years. However, new technology and new treatments are more advanced than ever before and it is now possible to rid your home and to rid your bed of potentially irritant bedbugs.


It is now very simple to treat bedbug infestations, whether in your home, a hotel or any other property. While these parasites live on the blood of warm blooded mammals they are fairly harmless although there have been known to cause rashes and allergic reactions. If you believe you may have an infestation of bedbugs, which are generally around 4 mm in length, you should take action as soon as possible to avoid further infestation to neighbouring properties.